I'm working through a short Flask tutorial and am having some issues. I got to the end and got a 500 Server error. If I run the .fcgi from within my virtual environment I get the message below. I don't see any errors in logs I have access to. Not really sure what the problem is.
Error message
(flask_hello_world) me@domain [~/public_html/projects/flask_hello_world]# python flask_hello_world.fcgi
WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param REQUEST_METHOD required by WSGI!
WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_NAME required by WSGI!
WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_PORT required by WSGI!
WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_PROTOCOL required by WSGI!
Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 12
Hello World!
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ flask_hello_world.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteLog rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 3
from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer
from flask_hello_world_app import app as application
if __name__ == '__main__':
from datetime import datetime
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World!'
def the_time():
cur_time = str(datetime.now())
return cur_time + ' is the current time! ...YEAH!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
Packages Installed on /.virtenv/flask_hello_world
# pip list
Flask (0.10.1)
flup (1.0.2)
itsdangerous (0.23)
Jinja2 (2.7.1)
MarkupSafe (0.18)
pip (1.4.1)
setuptools (0.9.8)
Werkzeug (0.9.4)
wsgiref (0.1.2)
Two issues were actually causing my issues.
I used parentheses instead of curly brackets in the RewriteCond
my .htaccess
file. This site helped point that out.
The shebang in flask_hello_world.fcgi
was incorrect. After fixing the issue with .htaccess
I still received an Internal Server Error. Accessing
the flask_hello_world.fcgi
file directly gave me the error that pointed out the path