
Python multiply sequence trick

the trick is:

IPython prompt:

In [1]: A = [ [] ] * 2

In [2]: A
Out[2]: [[], []]

In [3]: A[0].append(1)

In [4]: A
Out[4]: [[1], [1]]

Obvious, it's not my expected result, what's I want is [[1], []]. So why? I found no ref in the docs about python multiply sequence.

And is there any elegant(use no any explicit loop) ways to do that?


  • A = [ [] ] * 2 creates a list with two references to the same list:

    >>> A = [ [] ] * 2
    >>> id(A[0])
    >>> id(A[1])
    >>> id(A[0]) == id(A[1])

    Instead, you need to use a list comprehension:

    >>> A = [[] for _ in xrange(2)]
    >>> A
    [[], []]
    >>> A[0].append(1)
    >>> A
    [[1], []]

    Note that, if you are on Python 3.x, you will need to replace xrange with range.