
Deploy Django project on IIS via Helicon Zoo

I have been struggling to have an existing Django project (Graphite webapp it is) on windows IIS via Helicon Zoo. So far I really just guess and try on every step but still can't make it work. Could anyone point me to any helpful manual or article? Thanks very much.

Django project: Graphite-web - yes, managed to port Graphite carbon, whisper and webapp on windows, but webapp now is only runnable with runserver

Win8 64bit, Python2.7 32bit and grahpite.settings is in c:\graphite\webapp\graphite




  • We tried to install Graphite webapp out of curiosity and my colleague managed to do this (while I lost my patience collecting all Graphite requirements).

    (sorry for formatting, it is all stackoverflow)

    After that you should be able to run Graphite with " runserver" from Zoo console. If it works then it should work as IIS web site from Zoo as well.

    If you have further questions please contact Helicon Tech support