I'm using Titanium Studio and Titanium SDK. In this case I'm developing for Android but I have an installation on OSX too.
When using Alloy, I can specify
<Label class="header" id="someId">Week 50</Label>
and then specify the colors,fonts etc in the TSS file like this
".header": {
color: "blue"
However when I use the SDK version:
var l = Ti.UI.createLabel({class:"header", text:"sometext"});
The color from the TSS file isnt picked up???
What am I doing wrong. Isn't 'class' a valid property? (I cant seem to find it in the docs).
Alloy style are applied automatically to views created through xml. If you want to keep that effect while you are creating objects inside controller you have to use $.UI.create() method instead of Titanium API. In your case your code will look like this:
var l = $.UI.create('Label', {
title: "sometext",
classes: ["header"],
For more read Dynamic Styles guide. It's not very well documented and some parts of it were unclear for me when I read it but it's good starting point to experiment with the code and learn Alloy behaviour.