
Setting class when calling createLabel

I'm using Titanium Studio and Titanium SDK. In this case I'm developing for Android but I have an installation on OSX too.

When using Alloy, I can specify

<Label class="header" id="someId">Week 50</Label>

and then specify the colors,fonts etc in the TSS file like this

".header": {
  color: "blue"

However when I use the SDK version:

var l = Ti.UI.createLabel({class:"header", text:"sometext"});

The color from the TSS file isnt picked up???

What am I doing wrong. Isn't 'class' a valid property? (I cant seem to find it in the docs).


  • Alloy style are applied automatically to views created through xml. If you want to keep that effect while you are creating objects inside controller you have to use $.UI.create() method instead of Titanium API. In your case your code will look like this:

    var l = $.UI.create('Label', {
       title: "sometext",
       classes: ["header"],

    For more read Dynamic Styles guide. It's not very well documented and some parts of it were unclear for me when I read it but it's good starting point to experiment with the code and learn Alloy behaviour.