
"Java heap space" error when deploying WAR with ant on Weblogic 10.3

I'm getting this error when deploying application WAR files from my ant build via a task that calls weblogic.Deployer. This is on Windows XP, server is not in Production mode, there are only 2 other WARs installed on the server, one being just static content (web.xml + png/css/javascript files), no other weblogic servers installed on the PC. The server CPU never goes above 25%. JRockit JVM 1.6.0_05-b13. JSP files are pre-compiled with weblogic.appc and so stored in the war as servlets (.class files). Also, WAR file is about 20M, including jar libs, around 500 classes, and ~200 compiled JSP pages.

Solutions attempted:

I hope someone has seen this before or has an idea of something else to try, I've been looking at this for hours!

     [echo] Deploying application...
     [echo] Deploying application
     [java] weblogic.Deployer invoked with options:  -adminurl t3://corpitdev50ddh11:7001 \
               -username weblogic -name 401k_clt-antdeploy -stage \
               -upload /opt/appl/hrsapps/401k/client/dist/app/401k_clt.war \
               -targets AdminServer -verbose -deploy
     [java] <Jan 13, 2010 10:41:22 AM EST> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> \
               <Initiating deploy operation for application, 401k_clt-antdeploy \
               [archive: /opt/appl/hrsapps/401k/client/dist/app/401k_clt.war], to AdminServer .>
     [java] Java heap space

/opt/appl/hrsapps/401k/build-macros.xml:601: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/opt/appl/hrsapps/401k/build-macros.xml:557: Java returned: 1


  • It looks as if the JVM running the weblogic.deployer is running out of memory (not the server itself) and I'm not sure which heap params you've changed.

    Try to modify the ant script, so that the task starting the WebLogic deployer is assigned more heap space:

    <java ... fork="true" maxmemory="512m" (or more if required)>