
Imagick php windows

I am trying to use iMagick in Symfony2.

I am using PHP 5.4.16 and all i have done :

1-Copy php_imagick_nts.dll from php5-4 directory from the extracted to php/ext .

2-Rename it to php_imagick.dll and add the “extension=php_imagick.dll” to php.ini

3-Create a page like this :

    $a = new Imagick();

but i receive this :

Fatal error: Class ‘Imagick’ not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\info.php

When I tried to use this in a symfony controller, the error occur again:

FatalErrorException: Error: Class 'Imagick' not found

Unfortunately the details about imagick extension not appear in output of "phpinfo()"

Is this version is incompatible with PHP 5.4.16 ?! If yes,what version i must use? Where? Thank for any help...


  • I spent many hours trying to make Imagick work, finally I got it.

    My installation instructions

    1. Install WAMP 32bit (even if you running 64bit system you must use 32bit version of WAMP)
    2. Install ImageMagick to C:/imagemagick, use this file:
    3. Put DLL with Imagick into extension folder of PHP, e.g. D:\wamp32\bin\php\php5.4.16\ext, I used this file:
    4. In php.ini put line "SetEnv MAGICK_HOME C:/imagemagick" without quotes
    5. Better restart PC

    I use Wamp 2.4, PHP 5.4.16, Apache 2.4.4, ImageMagick 6.8.0-3 2012-10-24 Q16, Imagick 3.1.0RC2 - all 32bit, OS Win8 64bit

    Now it should work and you should see Imagick extension loaded in phpinfo.

    I tried a lot of versions of ImageMagick, but newer versions didn't work, 6.8.0-3-Q16-windows-dll works fine.


    In Symfony2 use Imagick like this:

    $im = new \Imagick('image.jpg');