
Javascript regex for input element pattern attribute works on reFiddle but not on page

I'm trying to use the following regex to allow some basic feedback for users filling in a form:

/\+?[(]?(?:[0-9\ ][a-z]?[()\-\.]?){3,}/ig

(I'm aware of this point about regexes for phone numbers; my purpose here is just to allow some feedback for the user by highlighting the input box green or red, not to ensure real phone-numbers are entered).

This regex seems to behave exactly how I want on, but when I use it on the page, it seems to find everything invalid:

<input type='tel' name='phone' required pattern='/\+?[(?:]?([0-9a-z\ ][()\-\.]?){3,}/ig' />

This is being used as part of Zurb Foundation's Abide form validation. The page has many other inputs with various patterns, and they all seem to validate / invalidate correctly.

Could anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong that's causing the regex pattern to invalidate everything? Thanks.


  • You can't use javascript delimiters (or modifiers) in the html pattern object. For the pattern to work, remove the delimiter and javascript modifiers, like so:

    \+?[(?:]?([0-9a-z\ ][()\-\.]?){3,}

    See it in action here: (press submit to check).