I am attempting to page a dataset with kaminari on Sinatra.
In my Gemfile I have
source "https://rubygems.org"
gem 'sinatra'
gem 'thin'
gem 'pg'
gem 'kaminari', :require => 'kaminari/sinatra'
The Ruby code is:
dataset = DB[:candidates]
get '/candidate' do
@items = dataset.order(:id).page(params[:page]).per(5)
erb :candidate
and the error message is:
NoMethodError at /candidate
undefined method `page' for #<Sequel::Postgres::Dataset:0x94a6808>
file: app.rb
location: block in <main>
line: 25
I am stuck. I have also tried will_paginate with similar frustration and failure.
Is the query correct? I have also tried:
@items = dataset.order("id").page(:page=>params[:page]).per(5)
which produces the same error.
Any ideas anybody?
In case someone else comes across this question, you can get pagination working in Sequel as follows without any additional gems:
Enable the extension:
Use the pagination extension (as per the question example):
page = Integer(params[:page]) rescue 1
@items = dataset.order(:id).paginate(page, 5)
Then its up to your view logic to render page links.