
Why can `__subclasshook__` be monkeypatched onto the metaclass but `__instancecheck__` cannot?

Here is a toy example of trying to create a decorator that allows declaration of attribute names which should be required parts of "interface checking" along the standard __subclasshook__ and __instancecheck__ patterns.

It seems to work as expected when I decorate the Foo class. I make a Bar class, unrelated to Foo, but which has the needed attributes, and it correctly satisfies isinstance(instance_of_bar, Foo) == True.

But then as another example, I make a subclass of dict augmented so that the key values will be accessible with getattr syntax as well (e.g. a dict where d['a'] can be replaced with d.a to get the same result). In this case, the attributes are just instance attributes, so __instancecheck__ should work.

Here is the code. Note that given that the example with the instance of Bar works, the choice to "monkeypatch" the __subclasshook__ function into the Foo class (that has a metaclass) works fine. So it does not seem that one must define the function directly in the class definition of the metaclass.

#Using Python 2.7.3

import abc
def interface(*attributes):
    def decorator(Base):

        def checker(Other):
            return all(hasattr(Other, a) for a in attributes)

        def __subclasshook__(cls, Other):
            if checker(Other):
                return True
            return NotImplemented

        def __instancecheck__(cls, Other):
            return checker(Other)

        Base.__subclasshook__ = classmethod(__subclasshook__)
        Base.__instancecheck__ = classmethod(__instancecheck__)
        return Base

    return decorator

@interface("x", "y")
class Foo(object):
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
    def x(self): return 5
    def y(self): return 10

class Bar(object):
    def x(self): return "blah"
    def y(self): return "blah"

class Baz(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = "blah"
        self.y = "blah"

class attrdict(dict):
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return self[attr]

f = Foo()
b = Bar()
z = Baz()
t = attrdict({"x":27.5, "y":37.5})

print isinstance(f, Foo)
print isinstance(b, Foo)
print isinstance(z, Foo)
print isinstance(t, Foo)



This is just a toy example -- I'm not looking for better ways to implement my attrdict class. The Bar example demonstrates the monkeypatched __subclasshook__ working. The other two examples demonstrate failure of __instancecheck__ for instances that have mere instance attributes to check on. In those cases, __instancecheck__ is not even called.

I can manually check that the condition from my __instancecheck__ function is satisfied by the instance of attrdict (that is, hasattr(instance_of_attrdict, "x") is True as needed) or z.

Again, it seems to work fine for the instance of Bar. This suggests that __subclasshook__ is being correctly applied by the decorator, and that patching a custom __metaclass__ is not the issue. But __instancecheck__ does not seem to be called in the process.

Why can __subclasshook__ be defined outside of the class definition of the metaclass and added later, but not __instancecheck__?


  • Everything works as is should. If you are using __metaclass__, you are overwriting the class creation process. It looks like your monkeypatch is working for __subclasshook__ but it's only called from the __subclasshook__ function of the ABCMeta. You can check it with this:

    >>> type(Foo)
    <class 'abc.ABCMeta'>

    To be more explicit: the __subclasshook__ case works by accident in this example, because the metaclass's __subclasscheck__ happens to defer to the class's __subclasshook__ in some situations. The __instancecheck__ protocol of the metaclass does not ever defer to the class's definition of __instancecheck__, which is why the monkeypatched version of __subclasshook__ does eventually get called, but the monkeypatched version of __instancecheck__ does not get called.

    In more details: If you are creating a class with the metaclass, the type of the class will be the metaclass. In this case the ABCMeta. And the definition of the isinstance() say the following: 'isinstance(object, class-or-type-or-tuple) -> bool', which means the instance checking will be executed on the given class, type or tuple of classes/types. In this case the isinstance check will be done on the ABCMeta (ABCMeta.__instancecheck__() will be called). Because the monkeypatch was applied to the Foo class and not the ABCMeta, the __instancecheck__ method of Foo will never run. But the __instancecheck__ of the ABCMethod will call the __subclasscheck__ method of itself, and this second method will try the validaion by executing the __subclasshook__ method of created class (in this example Foo).

    In this case you can get the desired behavior if you overwrite the functions of the metaclass like this:

    def interface(*attributes):
        def decorator(Base):
            def checker(Other):
                return all(hasattr(Other, a) for a in attributes)
            def __subclasshook__(cls, Other):
                if checker(Other):
                    return True
                return NotImplemented
            def __instancecheck__(cls, Other):
                return checker(Other)
            Base.__metaclass__.__subclasshook__ = classmethod(__subclasshook__)
            Base.__metaclass__.__instancecheck__ = classmethod(__instancecheck__)
            return Base
        return decorator

    And the output with the updated code:


    Another approach would be to define your own class to serve as the metaclass, and create the kind of __instancecheck__ protocol that you're looking for, so that it does defer to the class's definition of __instancecheck__ when the metaclass's definition hits some failure criteria. Then, set __metaclass__ to be that class inside of Foo and your existing decorator should work as-is.

    More info: A good post about metaclasses