my goal in Cappuccino is to adjust the CPView's frame so that every point of a drawn rect is encased. The rect is rotatable which makes it tricky:
I understand that in Cocoa I'd use CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(context). How would I handle such a problem in Cappuccino?
Edit: That's the answer to my problem, based on Alexander's tips:
var context = [[CPGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort],
transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(CGRectGetWidth([self bounds])/2, CGRectGetHeight([self bounds])/2), rotationRadians);
path2 = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathAddRect(path2, transform, CGRectMake(-newWidth/2, -newHeight/2, newWidth, newHeight));
CGContextAddPath(context, path2);
CGContextSetFillColor(context, [CPColor yellowColor]);
var frame = [self frame];
frame.size.width = CGRectGetWidth([self bounds]);
frame.size.height = CGRectGetHeight([self bounds]);
oldFrameWidth = frame.size.width;
oldFrameHeight = frame.size.height;
newFrameWidth = CGRectGetWidth(CGPathGetBoundingBox(path2));
newFrameHeight = CGRectGetHeight(CGPathGetBoundingBox(path2));
frame.size.width = newFrameWidth;
frame.size.height = newFrameHeight;
frame.origin.x -= (newFrameWidth - oldFrameWidth)/2;
frame.origin.y -= (newFrameHeight - oldFrameHeight)/2;
[self setFrame:frame];
If myPath
is a CGPath describing your rotated rect, you can get the bounding rectangle using: