Where to find my custom content field within the Model

I have a field CoverImage in my BlogPost content definition, which I defined within the Content Definition menu in the admin control panel. I assume that whenever a BlogPost is rendered I can access it somewhere within Model from the associated alternate, e.g. via Model.ContentItem.BlogPostPart.Field["CoverImage"], or something similar.

But in reality, I can't find any field within the Model that refers to custom fields at all whereas other fields such as Model.ContentItem.BlogPostPart.Title or Model.ContentItem.BlogPostParts.Text are available just fine. Can anyone explain?

[UPDATE] Accesing @Model.ContentItem.BlogPostPart.CoverImage.Value gave an error: 'Orchard.Blogs.Models.BlogPostPart' does not contain a definition for 'CoverImage'.

I can't find CoverImage in shape tracing:

model .

Here's how I defined the CoverImage field within Blog Post content definition:



  • jmgomez is he says it will be:


    dynamic hey = (dynamic)Model;
    var yay = hey.ContentItem.BlogPost.CoverImage.MediaParts[0].MediaPart;


    < img src='@yay.MediaUrl' />

    As a little explanation for anyone interested... A default part is attached to a content item, where fields are attached to. It shows up as ContentPart but it is actually accessed using the name of your content type, so in this case BlogPost is the Content Type and CoverImage is the name of the field.