
Codeception multiple tests, 1 script

I think I might be getting the concept wrong or not thinking about something correctly. I'm looking for a way to connect to db, and then run a selenium test (in phantomjs) for every row of a table. The test is to check for broken images on a bespoke CMS, and could be applied to any CMS.

I basically want to run an acceptance test for every page (of a specific type) by loading their IDs from the db and then running a separate test for each ID.

This is what I have so far:

$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$results = $I->getArrayFromDB('talkthrough', '`key`', array());
foreach ($results as $r) {
    $I->wantTo('Check helpfile '.$r['key'].'for broken images');

This works to some extent in that it executes until the first failure (because it is running as 1 test with many assertions).

How do I make this run as individual tests?


  • I ended up looping through and storing the key that failed in a comma delimited string and setting a bool to say failures found.

    $I = new WebGuy($scenario);
    $results = $I->getArrayFromDB('talkthrough', '`key`', array());
    $failures = "Broken help files are: ";
    $failures_found = false;
    foreach ($results as $key => $r) {
       $I->wantTo('Check helpfile '.$r['key'].'for broken images');
       $allImagesFine = $I->checkAllImages();
       if($allImagesFine != '1')
           $fail = $r['key'].",";
           $failures.= $fail;
           $failures_found = true;

    With following as my webhelper

    namespace Codeception\Module;
    // here you can define custom functions for WebGuy 
    class WebHelper extends \Codeception\Module
        function checkAllImages()
            $result = $this->getModule('Selenium2')->session->evaluateScript("return     (function(){ return (img) {return img.complete && img.naturalWidth > 0;}); })()");
            return $result;
        function getArrayFromDB($table, $column, $criteria = array())
            $dbh = $this->getModule('Db');
            $query = $dbh->driver->select($column, $table, $criteria);
            $dbh->debugSection('Query', $query, json_encode($criteria));
            $sth = $dbh->driver->getDbh()->prepare($query);
            if (!$sth) \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("Query '$query' can't be executed.");
            return $sth->fetchAll();
        function seeBrokenImages($bool,$failArray)

    Thanks for the submitted answers