
Am I using the iOS "detail disclosure" and "disclosure" correctly?

Am I using the "detail disclosure" and "disclosure" accessories correctly in this screenshot?

The "Description" and "Business Impact" rows navigate to a single text view with only multi-page text displayed expanding on the truncated summary shown in the row. The "Closures" and "Status Updates" navigate to table views.

iOS Disclosures


  • There are three options you're discussing: Disclosure Indicator, Detail Disclosure Button, and Detail Button.

    The chevron only (UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator) indicates you should be able to tap on the row to navigate to a new view (commonly called a "detail view").

    The two button options (UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton and UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailButton):

    The button indicates a different action from tapping on the row, handled in tableView:accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:.

    If tapping the blue "i" does the same thing as tapping the row, you are not doing it correctly.