I try to colorise the column RAM in red if the value is greater than 100 MB:
Get-Process | Format-Table @{ Label = "PID"; Expression={$_.Id}},
@{ Label = "Name"; Expression={$_.Name}},
@{ Label = "RAM (MB)"; Expression={[System.Math]::Round($_.WS/1MB, 1)}},
@{ Label = "Responding"; Expression={$_.Responding}}
I try with Write-Host -nonewline, but the result is wrong.
Get-Process | Format-Table @{ Label = "PID"; Expression={$_.Id}},
@{ Label = "Name"; Expression={$_.Name}},
@{ Label = "RAM (MB)"; Expression={write-host -NoNewline $([System.Math]::Round($_.WS/1MB, 1)) -ForegroundColor red}},
@{ Label = "Responding"; Expression={ write-host -NoNewline $_.Responding -fore red}}
filter colorize-row{
Get-Process | Select-Object Id, Name, WS, Responding | foreach {
# Print 'red' row if WS greater than 100 MB
if([System.Math]::Round($_.WS/1MB,1) -match "^([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?$|^100$)$"){
[console]::ForegroundColor="white"; $_;
} else {
[console]::ForegroundColor="red"; $_;