
Replace a sign in a property

Lets say I got this AB_1.2.3.112211 in a property

What I want is to exchange the first "." to a "_"

So it becomes AB_1_2.3.112211 The two first characters could be longer fx ABCD_1.2.3.112211 but it should still be the output ABCD_1_2.3.112211

Is there a way to do this in msbuild task?


  • If the input strings are always as you show them, i.e. the first "." to replace comes after an underscore followed by a number you can use a property function and use C#'s static Regex.Replace method:

    <Target Name="Repl">
      <Message Text="$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Replace( $(Prop), '_(\d*)\.', '_$1_' ) )" />

    If the use case is more complicated there are other options: