I downloaded Zinnia from https://www.djangopackages.com/python3/. and successfully installed it in my WIN8 OS.C:\Python33\Lib\site-packages\django_blog_zinnia-0.14.dev-py3.3.egg\zinnia.
I have a django project -- 'C:\Users\Nan\iwebs'. and now I want to make zinnia its app.
But the website says nothing about what to do next.
Should I copy the dictionary C:\Python33\Lib\site-packages\django_blog_zinnia-0.14.dev-py3.3.egg\zinnia
to C:\Users\Nan\iwebs
, and modify INSTALLED_APPS in C:\Users\Nan\iwebs\mysite\settings.py and urls.py?
If I should, it still doesn't work becuase after doing this, I attempted to run python manage.py syncdb
, it says no module named 'mptt'.
If I shouldn't, what should I do?
Or where is the related tutorial to tell people how to make zinnia a project's app?
I am really tired after searching for solutions for nearly 4 hours, any help will be apreciated, thank you in advance!
The "installation" section of zinnia's doc clearly states the dependencies - including mptt - and how to add zinnia to your project.