I have a combobox with items from a DataTable, the ff executes when the form loads:
dbConnection = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=Journal.sdf")
dbDataAdapter = New SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM setting_unit", dbConnection)
cbxSettingsUnit.DataSource = New BindingSource(dbTable, Nothing)
cbxSettingsUnit.DisplayMember = "name"
cbxSettingsUnit.ValueMember = "name"
The method when there is a changed in the combox box:
Private Sub cbxSettingsUnit_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbxSettingsUnit.SelectedIndexChanged
tempString = cbxSettingsBusinessUnit.Items(cbxSettingsBusinessUnit.SelectedItem).ToString
End Sub
there is an error at the line:
tempString = cbxSettingsBusinessUnit.Items(cbxSettingsBusinessUnit.SelectedItem).ToString
How do I get the selected item from the combox box?
try this:
combo.datasource = datatable
combo.displaymember = "abbreviation"
combo.valuemember = "abbreviation"
then getting the selected item use this:
on SelectionChangeCommitted event of combo box put this: