I often run long-running cells in my IPython notebook. I'd like the notebook to automatically beep or play a sound when the cell is finished executing. Is there some way to do this in iPython notebook, or maybe some command I can put at the end of a cell that will automatically play a sound?
I'm using Chrome if that makes any difference.
At the top of your notebook
from IPython.display import Audio
sound_file = './sound/beep.wav'
should point to a file on your computer, or accessible from the internet.
Then later, at the end of the long-running cell
<code that takes a long time>
Audio(sound_file, autoplay=True)
This method uses the Audio tag built into Newer versions of iPython/Jupyter.
Older versions without the Audio tag can use the following method.
Put this in a cell and run it before you want to play your sound:
from IPython.display import HTML
from base64 import b64encode
path_to_audio = "/path/to/snd/my-sound.mp3"
audio_type = "mp3"
sound = open(path_to_audio, "rb").read()
sound_encoded = b64encode(sound)
sound_tag = """
<audio id="beep" controls src="data:audio/{1};base64,{0}">
</audio>""".format(sound_encoded, audio_type)
play_beep = """
<script type="text/javascript">
var audio = document.getElementById("beep");
At the end of the cell you want to make a noise on completion put this:
How it works:
It reads a file from the filesystem using iPython's built in open
and read
methods. Then it encodes this into base64. It then creates an audio tag with the ID beep
and injects the base64 data into it. The final piece of setup creates a small script tag that plays the sound.
This method should work in any browser that supports the HTML5 audio tag.
Note: if you'd rather not display the audio controls in your notebook, just remove the controls
attribute from the variable named sound_tag