I've been using the library apache-log4j-extras for logging. It contains class org.apache.log4j.Logger.
Now I had to reference some 3rd party library, that uses logback and has among its dependencies log4j-over-slf4j (jar). Unfortunately, latter jar also contains class org.apache.log4j.Logger.
Looks like the latter class is preferred by the onejar classloader...
I don't need logback and log4j-over-slf4j. Just want my org.apache.log4j.Logger from apache-log4j-extras back. What are my options with the Onejar-maven-plugin?
EDIT: It appeared to be an issue with Debug mode in IDEA, not with onejar. However the question is still relevant: how can I ensure that I load the requried class with Onejar?
EDIT2: E.g. in C# it could be easily resolved with "extern alias" feature.
why don't you just exclude it?