I am trying to use ECO templates with Backbone and Marionette but without Rails. Rather, I am using Django with RequireJS managing my front-end asset pipeline.
How do I load ECO templates?
Here is what a simple Marionette view looks like for me using Underscore's templates:
define ['cs!app', 'requirejs-tpl!./templates/message.tpl'], (App, message) ->
App.module 'About.Show', (Module, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->
class Module.MessageView extends Marionette.ItemView
className: 'message-view'
tagName: 'div'
template: message
I'm guessing I need to set the template key to a ECO template file and then override the view's render method -- but I am not sure as I believe I must precompile the ECO file first...
Things I am going to try:
The short answer here is to install eco
via npm
and then run something like eco -i JST form.eco
. Then, you assign JST['form']
to the view's template
attribute. Setting this up manually for multiple templates is probably a bid job, so it is probably best to look at something like django-pipeline.