
Sun RPC: transferring binary files

I want to transfer binary files to remote server. I am using SUN/ONC RPC (rpcgen on Linux) for my code. I am using C. I have written code for server and client and it works for text files, but when I try to transfer binary files it says the file is corrupted after transfer. I am storing data chunks in character array or XDR strings. I think there is some problem with me storing data as a character array. Can some one please tell me what the problem is? Can some one please help me?

I am attaching my code snippetes here for reference if some one wants to have a look at what I am doing.


const MAXLEN = 1024;

 * Type for storing path
typedef string filename<MAXLEN>;

 * Structure for sending request. Expects the path of the file
 * and the byte number at which to start reading the file from
struct request {
    filename name;
    int start;

 * Type that represents the structute for request
typedef struct request request;

 * Type for storing a chunk of the file that is being
 * sent from the server to the client in the current
 * remote procedure call
typedef string filechunk<MAXLEN>;

 * Response sent by the server to the client as a response
 * to remote procedure call, containing the filechunk for
 * the current call and number of bytes actually read
struct chunkreceive {
    filechunk data;
    int bytes;

 * Type that represents the structure for file's chunks
 * to be received from the server
typedef struct chunkreceive chunkreceive;

 * File data sent by the server from client to store
 * it on the server along with the filename and the
 * number of bytes in the data
struct chunksend {
    filename name;
    filechunk data;
    int bytes;

 * Type that represents the structure for file's chunks
 * to be sent to the server 
typedef struct chunksend chunksend;

 * union for returning from remote procedure call, returns
 * the proper chunkdata response if everything worked fine
 * or will return the error number if an error occured
union readfile_res switch (int errno) {
    case 0:
        chunkreceive chunk;

 * Remote procedure defined in the Interface Definition Language
 * of SUN RPC, contains PROGRAM and VERSION name definitions and
 * the remote procedure signature
program FTPPROG {
    version FTPVER {
        readfile_res retrieve_file(request *) = 1;
        int send_file(chunksend *) = 2;
    } = 1;
} = 0x20000011;

My Server:

#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ftp.h"

extern __thread int errno;

readfile_res* retrieve_file_1_svc(request *req, struct svc_req *rqstp)
    FILE *file;
    char data[1024];
    int bytes;
    static readfile_res res;

    file = fopen(req->name, "rb");
    if (file == NULL) {
        res.errno = errno;
        return (&res);

    fseek (file, req->start, SEEK_SET);
    bytes = fread(data, 1, 1024, file); = data;
    res.readfile_res_u.chunk.bytes = bytes;

     * Return the result
    res.errno = 0;
    return (&res);

int* send_file_1_svc(chunksend *rec, struct svc_req *rqstp)
    FILE *file;
    int write_bytes;
    static int result;

    file = fopen(rec->name, "a");
    if (file == NULL) {
        result = errno;
        return &result;

    write_bytes = fwrite(rec->data, 1, rec->bytes, file);

    result = 0;
    return &result;

My Client:

#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ftp.h"

extern __thread int errno;

int get_file(char *host, char *name)
    CLIENT *clnt;
    int total_bytes = 0, write_bytes;
    readfile_res *result;
    request req;
    FILE *file; = name;
    req.start = 0;

     * Create client handle used for calling FTPPROG on
     * the server designated on the command line. Use
     * the tcp protocol when contacting the server.
    clnt = clnt_create(host, FTPPROG, FTPVER, "tcp");
    if (clnt == NULL) {
         * Couldn't establish connection with server.
         * Print error message and stop.

    file = fopen(name, "wb");

     * Call the remote procedure readdir on the server
    while (1) {
        req.start = total_bytes;
        result = retrieve_file_1(&req, clnt);
        if (result == NULL) {
             * An RPC error occurred while calling the server.
             * Print error message and stop.
            clnt_perror(clnt, host);

         * Okay, we successfully called the remote procedure.
        if (result->errno != 0) {
             * A remote system error occurred.
             * Print error message and stop.
            errno = result->errno;

         * Successfully got a chunk of the file.
         * Write into our local file.
        write_bytes = fwrite(result->, 1, result->readfile_res_u.chunk.bytes, file);
        total_bytes += result->readfile_res_u.chunk.bytes;
        if (result->readfile_res_u.chunk.bytes < MAXLEN) 


    return 0;

int put_file(char *host, char *name)
    CLIENT *clnt;
    char data[1024];
    int total_bytes = 0, read_bytes;
    int *result;
    chunksend chunk;
    FILE *file;

     * Create client handle used for calling FTPPROG on
     * the server designated on the command line. Use
     * the tcp protocol when contacting the server.
    clnt = clnt_create(host, FTPPROG, FTPVER, "tcp");
    if (clnt == NULL) {
         * Couldn't establish connection with server.
         * Print error message and stop.

    file = fopen(name, "r"); = name;

     * Call the remote procedure readdir on the server
    while (1) {
        read_bytes = fread(data, 1, MAXLEN, file);
        total_bytes += read_bytes; = data;
        chunk.bytes = read_bytes;
        result = send_file_1(&chunk, clnt);

        if (result == NULL) {
             * An RPC error occurred while calling the server.
             * Print error message and stop.
            clnt_perror(clnt, host);

         * Okay, we successfully called the remote procedure.
        if (*result != 0) {
             * A remote system error occurred.
             * Print error message and stop.
            errno = *result;

         * Successfully got a chunk of the file.
         * Write into our local file.
        if (read_bytes < MAXLEN) 


    return 0;

int read_command(char *host)
    char command[MAXLEN], filepath[MAXLEN];

    printf("> ");
    scanf("%s %s", command, filepath);

    if (strcmp(command, "get") == 0) {
        return get_file(host, filepath);
    } else if(strcmp(command, "put") == 0){
        return put_file(host, filepath);
    } else if(strcmp(command, "exit") == 0){
    } else {
        return -1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int result;

   if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host\n", argv[0]);

   while(TRUE) {
       result = read_command(argv[1]);

   return 0;


  • XDR strings are null terminated. You need to use a different data type to transfer binary data - probably 'byte array'. See, for instance, this document at Sun.