
How to clear jQuery validation error messages?

I am using the jQuery validation plugin for client side validation. Function editUser() is called on click of 'Edit User' button, which displays error messages.

But I want to clear error messages on my form, when I click on 'Clear' button, that calls a separate function clearUser().

function clearUser() {
    // Need to clear previous errors here

function editUser(){
    var validator = $("#editUserForm").validate({
        rules: {
            userName: "required"
        errorElement: "span",
        messages: {
            userName: errorMessages.E2

        // Form submission code


  • You want the resetForm() method:

    var validator = $("#myform").validate(
    $(".cancel").click(function() {

    I grabbed it from the source of one of their demos.

    Note: This code won't work for Bootstrap 3.