I'm getting this error when trying to use an Xcode bot to integrate for unit tests:
Integration failed. Unexpected error while building. See the integration's logs for more details.
I couldn't make any sense of the logs. They pretty much spit out any error with the system whether related or not.
I use a remote repository from from Github, testing currently on only 1 device. I'm .gitignore-ing the standard stuff from Xcode.
Here is the most relevant messages from the log I could find:
'2014-01-01 10:03:04.195 xcodebuild[19150:100b] Error opening /var/teamsserver/Library/Logs/iOS Simulator/iOS Simulator.log'
Symbols directory specified does not exist at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDeviceKitBase.framework/Resources/sync_ddi line 17.
xcodebuild: error: No destinations were specified with the -destination flag which were valid for the specified scheme 'MyTestsScheme'.
The last one reported was the third one. Seems to be the most directly related too. Any ideas?
I found the issue was caused because my Scheme was configured for Testing only. I fixed the issue by going to Edit Scheme, selecting "Run", then switching the Executable from 'none' to my .app file.