I'm in the process of learning how a large (356-file), convoluted Python program is set up. Besides manually reading through and parsing the code, are there any good methods for following program flow?
There are two methods which I think would be useful:
Are there any methods to do the above, or any other ways that you have found useful?
I don't know if this is actually a good idea, but since I actually wrote a hook to display the file and line before each line of output to stdout, I might as well give it to you…
import inspect, sys
class WrapStdout(object):
_stdout = sys.stdout
def write(self, buf):
frame = sys._getframe(1)
f = inspect.getsourcefile(frame)
except TypeError:
f = 'unknown'
l = frame.f_lineno
self._stdout.write('{}:{}:{}'.format(f, l, buf))
def flush(self):
sys.stdout = WrapStdout()
Just save that as a module, and after you import
it, every chunk of stdout will be prefixed with file and line number.
Of course this will get pretty ugly if:
directly, or print
magic comma in 2.x, or end=''
in 3.x).But all the tricky deep-Python-magic bits are there; you can build on top of it pretty easily.