
Please recommend good reading about Squirrel

Please, share your favorite links on this language where one can learn the best of it.
And also, please describe in few words the most important features of this language differing it form others languages like Lua.

I just cannot understand why to reinvent another Lua/Python/etc. Maybe I just missed something...
But I like the idea of performance+scripting, so I have to understand it!


  • The best (and almost only) resource about the Squirrel language is it's official web site and forums:

    Compare to other well developed languages, Squirrel is still in it's early stage with a very small community, but it is very promising in certain ways among other modern scripting languages:

    To conclude, the Squirrel language is suitable for interfacing with low level modules in a performance critical application (ie. a game engine), it absolutely can serve as a better Lua. Where as language like python is more towards a general purpose, day to day handy problem solving language.