
Flash or FlashLite development for Android?

I'm investigating the possibility to develop Flash or FlashLite apps that runs on Android as stand-alone apps, but I'm not finding anywhere a clear, definitive and up-to-date answer. Questions:

I think a definitive answer to these questions will be useful to many out there!

The only programming example I found is this ( and it doesn't help much to understand what I can actually do with it...


    1. Flash Version 10. You can launch standalone apps but not seamlessly, you need to ask the user to select the file. You've already read the link supporting this.
    2. Not yet
    3. As far as I know, using the method described in 1, you will be able to run Flash applications on the following devices (right now, nearly every device should have Flash 10/10.1 by the end of Q2 2010): HTC Hero, Droid Eris
    4. No