How print all the weeks which start with monday and end with sunday.. like below ..using Zend_date
1 04-Jan-2010-10-Jan-2010
2 11-Jan-2010-17-Jan-2010
3 18-Jan-2010-24-Jan-2010
Start by finding the first monday, then you can just add 1 week until the year increments.
define('NL', "\n");
$year = 2010;
$firstDayOfYear = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year);
$nextMonday = strtotime('monday', $firstDayOfYear);
$nextSunday = strtotime('sunday', $nextMonday);
while (date('Y', $nextMonday) == $year) {
echo date('c', $nextMonday), '-', date('c', $nextSunday), NL;
$nextMonday = strtotime('+1 week', $nextMonday);
$nextSunday = strtotime('+1 week', $nextSunday);