
How to read GPX file ( xml format) in QT?

I have a gpx file , basically that is a xml file. I want to read latitude and longitude values from that. Below i have posted the sample gpx file.

    <wpt lon="80.0124" lat="13.125">
    <wpt lon="80.0130" lat="13.124">
    <wpt lon="80.0145" lat="13.122">
    <wpt lon="80.0120" lat="13.121">

I need to get float values of latitude and longitude. Any help and suggestion is appreciated.

Thank you. Could i get the result without double quotes?


  • The key class here is QXmlStreamReader.

    See the code below to get it work.


    <wpt lon="80.0124" lat="13.125">
    <wpt lon="80.0130" lat="13.124">
    <wpt lon="80.0145" lat="13.122">
    <wpt lon="80.0120" lat="13.121">


    #include <QXmlStreamReader>
    #include <QDebug>
    #include <QString>
    #include <QFile>
    int main()
        QFile file("test.xml");
        if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
            qDebug() << "File open error:" << file.errorString();
            return 1;
        QXmlStreamReader inputStream(&file);
        while (!inputStream.atEnd() && !inputStream.hasError())
            if (inputStream.isStartElement()) {
                QString name = inputStream.name().toString();
                if (name == "wpt")
                    qDebug() << "lon:" << inputStream.attributes().value("lon").toFloat() << "lat:" << inputStream.attributes().value("lat").toFloat();
        return 0;


    TEMPLATE = app
    TARGET = main
    QT = core
    SOURCES += main.cpp

    Build and Run

    qmake && make && ./main


    lon: 80.0124 lat: 13.125 
    lon: 80.013 lat: 13.124 
    lon: 80.0145 lat: 13.122 
    lon: 80.012 lat: 13.121