
Displaying list of checkboxfield from store data in Sencha Touch

I am new to Sencha Touch. I am trying to build a simple ToDo app. So far I have tried displaying a list of tasks data from store using Ext.dataview.List and its itemTpl

Ext.define('ToDoListApp.view.TaskList', {
    extend: 'Ext.dataview.List',
    requires: [ '' ],

    config: {
        displayField: 'title',
        id: 'taskList',
        itemTpl: '<div class="task completed_{done}">{title}</div>',
        store: Ext.create(''),

However, what I'm really trying to achieve is to display a list of checkbox fields based on the data from store. I'm looking for a config that uses the object below instead of itemTpl:

    xtype: 'checkboxfield',
    checked: true, /* should be based on the "done" value */
    label: 'Test', /* should be based on the "title" value */

Is this possible? If not, what would be a good way to achieve similar results?

Best Regards,



  • What you are looking for is to create a custom dataItem by extending it.

    You can find and example at:

    Hope it helps-