
ios Convert integer color to uicolor or hex values?

In android there is an option where you can set color based on int value. Is there anyway that I can use this value or convert this value to set it as UIColor in iOS? For example this value, -5242884 can be used in android to set color.

From what I managed to find is that iOS widely use hex value or rgb value to set for UIColor. But I couldn't find any info regarding about my issue here. Is there anyway around that I can use int value instead.


  • It appears that the integer number to which you are referencing is a packed integer. See: android color documentation. You need to find a way to convert the packed int to a hex and then you can use this macro (obtained here) which converts a hex number to UIColor:

    #define HEXCOLOR(c) [UIColor colorWithRed:((c>>24)&0xFF)/255.0 green:((c>>16)&0xFF)/255.0 blue:((c>>8)&0xFF)/255.0  alpha:((c)&0xFF)/255.0]

    I know this doesn't really answer your question but it may help you narrow down your search.


    Ok so I just realized the above macro does solve your problem. Just give it the integer representation and it will give you the right UIColor. My test code is below:

    UIColor *color = HEXCOLOR(-16776961); // Blue const from android link above
    const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor);
    NSString *colorAsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f,%f,%f,%f", components[0], components[1], components[2], components[3]]; 
    NSLog(@"%@",colorAsString); // Prints 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 which corresponds to 0xff0000ff

    I had some help from here.


    Fixed the macro to expect the correct RGBA values:

    #define ANDROID_COLOR(c) [UIColor colorWithRed:((c>>16)&0xFF)/255.0 green:((c>>8)&0xFF)/255.0 blue:((c)&0xFF)/255.0  alpha:((c>>24)&0xFF)/255.0]

    The previous macro expected RGBA while the Android color int gave ARGB.