I use GNUs and multiple email addresses, including changing the outgoing SMTP based on the FROM on the message. SO far so good. Now, though, I have multiple accounts on the same server, so the usual .authinfo doesn't work for me. It seems like the answer should be similar to http://www.cataclysmicmutation.com/2010/11/multiple-gmail-accounts-in-gnus/ but I am NOT using gmail, and I am NOT using imap. I am using SMTP and SSL. How can I extend that solution? (Also: I am using gnus-posting-styles to help send mail with the appropriate address, for what that's worth)
Below are the relevant parts of my .gnus. Note that I am trying to get the webdev@[ME].com working, which is in addition to [ME]@[ME].com (both the same server). What do I need in here, and in my authinfo, to make this work?
;; ;; multiple outgoing accounts ;;
;; http://www.mostlymaths.net/2010/12/emacs-30-day-challenge-using-gnus-to.html
;; also see ~/.authinfo
(defvar smtp-accounts
(ssl "[ME]@[ME].com" "mail.[ME].com"
26 "[ME]@[ME].com" secret)
;; (ssl "webdev@[ME].com" "mail.[ME].com"
;; 26 "webdev@[ME].com" secret)
(ssl "[ME]@gmail.com" "smtp.gmail.com"
587 "[ME]@gmail.com" secret)
(ssl "[ME]@gatech.edu" "mail.gatech.edu"
587 "[ME]@gatech.edu" secret)
;; Now lets configure smtpmail.el with your name and functions to send
;; mail using your smtp accounts by changing the from field
(require 'smtpmail)
(setq send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
mail-from-style nil user-full-name "[ME] S. "
smtpmail-debug-info t smtpmail-debug-verb t)
(defun set-smtp (mech server port user password)
"Set related SMTP variables for supplied parameters."
(setq smtpmail-smtp-server server smtpmail-smtp-service port
smtpmail-auth-credentials (list (list server port user
password)) smtpmail-auth-supported (list mech)
smtpmail-starttls-credentials nil)
(message "Setting SMTP server to `%s:%s' for user `%s'."
server port user))
(defun set-smtp-ssl (server port user password &optional key
"Set related SMTP and SSL variables for supplied parameters."
(setq starttls-use-gnutls t
starttls-gnutls-program "gnutls-cli"
starttls-extra-arguments nil smtpmail-smtp-server server
smtpmail-smtp-service port
smtpmail-auth-credentials (list (list server port user
password)) smtpmail-starttls-credentials (list (list
server port key cert)))
"Setting SMTP server to `%s:%s' for user `%s'. (SSL
enabled.)" server port user))
(defun change-smtp ()
"Change the SMTP server according to the current from line."
(loop with from = (save-restriction
(message-fetch-field "from"))
for (auth-mech address . auth-spec) in smtp-accounts
when (string-match address from) do (cond
((memq auth-mech '(cram-md5 plain login))
(return (apply 'set-smtp (cons auth-mech auth-spec))))
((eql auth-mech 'ssl)
(return (apply 'set-smtp-ssl auth-spec)))
(t (error "Unrecognized SMTP auth. mechanism:
`%s'." auth-mech))) finally (error "Cannot infer SMTP information."))))
;; The previous function will complain if you fill the from field with
;; an account not present in smtp-accounts.
(defvar %smtpmail-via-smtp (symbol-function 'smtpmail-via-smtp))
(defun smtpmail-via-smtp (recipient smtpmail-text-buffer)
(with-current-buffer smtpmail-text-buffer
(funcall (symbol-value '%smtpmail-via-smtp) recipient
;; This wraps send mail via smtp mail, to be able to send multiple
;; messages with smtpmail.
;; Reply-to with same address it was sent to
(setq gnus-posting-styles
'(((header "to" "[ME]@gmail.com")
(address "[ME]@gmail.com"))
((header "to" "[ME]@gatech.edu")
(address "[ME]@gatech.edu"))
((header "to" "[ME]@[ME].com")
(address "[ME]@[ME].com"))
;; ((header "to" "webdev@[ME].com")
;; (address "webdev@[ME].com"))
;; ((header "cc" "webdev@[ME].com")
;; (address "webdev@[ME].com"))
((header "cc" "[ME]@[ME].com")
(address "[ME]@[ME].com"))
((header "cc" "[ME]@gatech.edu")
(address "[ME]@gatech.edu"))
((header "cc" "[ME]@gmail.com")
(address "[ME]@gmail.com"))))
The answer I was looking for came below. For completeness, I'm posting what my end-result solution looked like using my /etc/host file, .authinfo, and .gnus.
;; excerpt from .gnus
(defvar smtp-accounts
(ssl "first@onedomain.com" "mail.onedomain.com"
26 "first@onedomain.com" secret)
(ssl "second@onedomain.com" "mail.onedomain2.com" ;; <-- This is the new alias in my /etc/hosts
26 "username@onedomain.com" secret) ;; <-- Added these two lines
;; excerpt from .authinfo
machine mail.onedomain.com login username@onedomain.com port 26 password MyPASS
machine mail.onedomain2.com login username@onedomain.com port 26 password "MyOtherPASS"
;; excerpt from /etc/hosts. The IP was obtained by pinging my mail.onedomain.com mail.onedomain2.com onedomain2
I have a similar set-up, where I use posting-styles in gnus to choose between several email accounts. I used to do it as mentioned, defining different aliases for the same host, having authinfo entries. It looked like this:
Contents of ~/.authinfo.gpg:
machine imap.gmail-alias1.com login me@hosteddomain.org password pass port 993
machine imap.gmail-alias2.com login me@gmail.com password pass port 993
machine smtp.gmail1.com login me@hosteddomain.org port 587 password
machine smtp.gmail2.com login me@gmail.com port 587 password
Partial contents of /etc/hosts:
# So I can use multiple gmail accounts in authinfo
# should be same address as imap.gmail.com imap.gmail-alias1.com imap.gmail-alias2.com smtp.gmail1.com smtp.gmail2.com
BUT I switched to using postfix to send the mail. What you can do is set postfix up so that it can (for example) receive mail for USER1@gmail.com, USER2@gmail.com, USER3@googlehosteddomain.com and send all messages to smtp.gmail.com, while using appropriate account credentials in each case. This requires you to install the Postfix program, and set up the files */etc/postfix/sasl_passwd* and */etc/postfix/sender_relay*.