I am trying to deploy a Java spring app to AppFog from within STS with the cloudfoundry plugin.
I have been able to deploy the same app to what was the old CloudFoundry free hosting (but since taken over by Pivotal it is no longer available).
I have been looking around and reading some articles on how this should work but all seem to be at least a year old, and I am hitting errors.
I have been following: http://www.srccodes.com/p/article/17/deploy-to-appfog-paas-using-cloud-foundry-integration-plugin-of-eclipse-sts and am on step 4) - adding the AppFog url. I have tried a variety of URLs that I have seen across the web, and the only URL I have found that does not give me a 404 is: http://api.eu01.aws.af.com - However, when I accept that and then return to enter account details and validate (using the normal login details I use for the AppFog site itself) it always fails to validate.
Has anyone successfully connected and deployed from within STS to AppFog?
This didn't work with any of the URLs or username/passwords in the end, so I just resorted to managing deploy through the CLI (which is still pretty nice).