I have the following checkbox , and I want to enlarge the checkbox by changing its height since its too small in mobile devices , I have tried the following but it didn't work in jQuery mobile 1.4.0 , please any help would be greatly appreciated ..
<div class="ui-grid-a ui-field-contain" >
<div class="ui-block-a" style="width:80% !important;padding-right:29px !important;">
<font id="MobileNum_Label" size="5px" color="#002a4a" style="text- align:right;float:right;font-weight:normal;white-space: normal;" > Check To Enable Daily Messages </font>
<div class="ui-block-b" style="text-align:right;float:right;right: 0;margin-right: 0 !important;width:20% !important;">
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" class="customCheckBox" data-iconpos="right" style="padding-top:7px;" >
<input type="checkbox" name="CheckB" id="CheckB" data-iconpos="notext" />
<label for="CheckB" data-inline="true"></label>
input[type="checkbox"] {
display: none;
.ui-checkbox input{height:180px;}
Here is a DEMO
The CSS sizes the label around the checkbox to 128 px; then the checkbox itself is sized to 64 x 128 then it is centered within its container via negative margins finally the check icon itself is sized.
You can play with the values to get the desired output...
.ui-controlgroup-controls .ui-btn-icon-notext{
.ui-btn.ui-checkbox-off:after, .ui-btn.ui-checkbox-on:after, .ui-btn.ui-radio-off:after, .ui-btn.ui-radio-on:after{
width: 64px;
height: 128px;
.ui-btn.ui-checkbox-off:after, .ui-btn.ui-checkbox-on:after, .ui-btn.ui-radio-off:after, .ui-btn.ui-radio-on:after{
margin-top: -64px;
margin-left: -32px;
.ui-icon-check:after, html .ui-btn.ui-checkbox-on.ui-checkbox-on:after{
background-size:42px 42px; /* size of check icon */