
How could our database be causing SqlPackage to fail? (SQL72018)

Hoping someone else has come across this, because Google returns only nine results for this error! Information about SqlPackage seems a little scant still.

We're currently going through the process of migrating to a continuous deployment environment. As part of this, we're using database projects to store database schema and the build server is using SqlPackage.exe to generate an upgrade script by comparing each project's .dacpac file with its associated schema template database that's hosted on the server.

We have six databases so far (with more to come) and they all work fine apart from one, which throws the following error when SqlPackage is modelling the 'target' database:

Error SQL72018: Trigger could not be imported but one or more of these objects exist in your source.

The only thing we can think of is that it's a problem with the size of the target database; perhaps SqlPackage is running out of memory? It's the largest database schema we have, so it's certainly feasible. If it's down to a memory limitation of SqlPackage, how do we go about increasing it?

We're going to start removing objects from the target database and the source project to see if we can establish whether it's down to size or a specific schema object, but any ideas and suggestions in the meantime would be greatly appreciated!


I just tried removing all triggers from the target database, and now it spits out the upgrade script with no errors. Next I'll try removing only half of them, and see if I can narrow it down to one specific trigger. I suspect it may simply be the size of the schema, which goes back to the SqlPackage memory question.


  • Okay .. worked it out.

    We went through a process of dropping triggers until we narrowed it down to a single trigger that was causing the error. Turns out that there was something rather wrong with it - it seems that it's meant to be attached to a table, but isn't (i.e. it doesn't appear in the triggers list). So I'm guessing this minor corruption caused SqlPackage to fail.

    In case anyone finds it useful, this is the script I used to drop ranges of triggers, which helped me find the culprit:


    Use ClaimsSqlPackageTest
    DECLARE @SQLCmd nvarchar(1000) 
    DECLARE @Trig varchar(500)
    DECLARE @sch varchar(500)
    Declare @count int = 0
    SELECT ISNULL(tbl.name, vue.name) AS [schemaName]
         , trg.name AS triggerName
    FROM sys.triggers trg
    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT tparent.object_id, ts.name 
                     FROM sys.tables tparent 
                     INNER JOIN sys.schemas ts ON TS.schema_id = tparent.SCHEMA_ID) 
                     AS tbl ON tbl.OBJECT_ID = trg.parent_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT vparent.object_id, vs.name 
                     FROM sys.views vparent 
                     INNER JOIN sys.schemas vs ON vs.schema_id = vparent.SCHEMA_ID) 
                     AS vue ON vue.OBJECT_ID = trg.parent_id
    OPEN TGCursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM TGCursor INTO @sch,@Trig
    SET @SQLCmd = N'DROP TRIGGER [' + @sch + '].[' + @Trig + ']'
    If @count >= 155 AND @count <= 160 Begin
        EXEC sp_executesql @SQLCmd
        PRINT @SQLCmd   
    Set @count = @count + 1
    FETCH next FROM TGCursor INTO @sch,@Trig
    CLOSE TGCursor