
Batch file doesnt run after deploying from SCCM

I have a batch file which uses gpresult /v and saves the output in a text file and copy that text file to a shared folder. This batch when i run on my local machine works perfectly fine but once i deploy it through SCCM it says can not open file with error code 4. I dont know what is wrong in the file.

the code is Like this:

@echo off

gpresult /v >%computername%.txt

xcopy %computername%.txt \some path


  • Error 4 is "The system cannot open the file.", as if the path is invalid or the open() fails for some other reason.

    SCCM Programs Run as 'NT Authority\SYSTEM'

    When SCCM (2007) runs a program, the program doesn't run as a regular user. It runs as the highest privilege user (sort of), SYSTEM.

    This account is not a regular account, and many settings and environment variables that exist and are predictable for a regular user are different or do not exist for SYSTEM. One particularly frustrating "feature" of the SYSTEM account's profile is that it is nestled away under %WINDIR%\System32, and so it is subject to filesystem redirection whenever you refer to anything relative to the profile.

    Try this: use psexec -s (sysinternals) to get shell access as the SYSTEM account and run the command in that environment to see how it behaves. This is as close as we can get to an environment like the one SCCM programs run under.

    When SCCM runs the command, the CWD will probably be somewhere under %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\CCM\ and may be invoked with the 32-bit version of CMD.EXE.