
Get DHCP IP-Address range

I want to search the local network for special servers to communicate with. To achieve this I'm running a for-loop pinging all IP-Addresses in the range I give the function.

E.g. findServers("192.168.0.x", 101, 255) pings all addresses between and and, if they are reachable, tries to connect to a specific port to find out whether a server is running.

But I don't want to enter the range manually. Is there any way to get the IP-range in which the DHCP-server assigns addresses to the machines in the network?


  • You can look at the subnet for your machine and try to connect to the port in question. This saves you needing to know the specific address range the DHCP will give out.

    You don't need to determine if the host is reachable because you would still have to attempt to connect to the port. If you connect to 255 addresses using a thread pool it will take a few seconds.

    Instead of using TCP you could use UDP. UDP can send a broad cast to a whole subnet or multi-cast across networks with a single packet. This would allow you to send a request to any number of machines to find out if they have a service available.