How do I trace a VS2012 DSL/DSL Package VSIX at run-time. I have an odd bug with an error message, "Value of 'null' is not valid for 'stream'" and I guess it's something to do with deserializing the XML written by the DSL.
Although I can add breakpoints in the DSL code while debugging in the Exp Instance, the code is so event driven that it is difficut to find the cause.
I don't want to litter the code with Trace.Writeline statements. Instead I'd like to monitor what the application is doing to get a stack trace or similar. I know this sort of thing is possible with Unix, but don't know with Win 8.1.
Visual Studio's Activity Log is not much help.
thanks John
You should be able to trace your package with Runtime Flow (commercial, developed by me, 30-day trial). Run monitoring for Visual Studio and set filter to your package .dll.