To use modular exponentiation as you would require when using the Fermat Primality Test with large numbers (100,000+), it calls for some very large calculations.
When I multiply two large numbers (eg: 62574 and 62574) PHP seems to cast the result to a float. Getting the modulus value of that returns strange values.
$x = 62574 * 62574;
var_dump($x); // float(3915505476) ... correct
var_dump($x % 104659); // int(-72945) ... wtf.
Is there any way to make PHP perform these calculations properly? Alternatively, is there another method for finding modulus values that would work for large numbers?
For some reason, there are two standard libraries in PHP handling the arbitrary length/precision numbers: BC Math and GMP. I personally prefer GMP, as it's fresher and has richer API.
Based on GMP I've implemented Decimal2 class for storing and processing currency amounts (like USD 100.25). A lot of mod calculations there w/o any problems. Tested with very large numbers.