I am using Qt 4.8.5 with MSVC 2010 compiler and debugger from windows 7.0 SDK, and Qt creator as my IDE.
The following syntax works fine:
class Device
QVector<double> MyContainer;
, where QContainer can be QVector, QList...etc, and T can be any type.
But the following syntax is denied by Qt creator and shows "Error C2059" while attempting to compile:
class Device
QVector<double> MyContainer(100);
I am so confused since the document says the syntax "QContainer = MyContainer(szie)"is legitimate, but my Qt creator just can't read and it tells me there is an "unexpected token '('".
Am I doing worng?
It's because you are trying to assign to a type. QVector<double>
is a type, and not a variable declaration or anything else you can assign to. That means that both examples are actually wrong.
I think you mean to declare the member variable MyContainer
, for which you should use
QVector<double> MyContainer;
To initialize the container to a specific size, you have to use the constructors initializer list:
: MyContainer(100)
For more information about initializer lists, see e.g. this tutorial, or this reference.