
problems when setting up Shopizer

I was tring to set up the Shopizer on localhost.

I followed this to deploy it. Following is what I did.

  1. I think I successfully configured the mysql database. When I run shopizer-build-mysql.bat in the shopizer_root/schema/, there is something wrong with importing the shopizer_data.sql. But I imported it manually.

  2. I imported the 4 directory media, sm-core, sm-central and sm-shop into MyEclipse as existing project.

  3. right click the build.xml file in each directory, run as Ant. Console said build successfully.

  4. copy mysql-connector.jar to Tomcat's lib directory. and copy 3 war files to webapps directory. start Tomcat. Doploying seems right.

Then when I tried to visit localhost:8080/central, I see a logon page. I entered "admin" as login name, and "password" as password. It didnt work, didnt lead me to anywhere.

The console only showed "[DEBUG] ( [doFilter] - Requested URL /central/profile/logon.action" when I visit localhost:8080/central. When I click "logon", nothing happened.

I dont know what to do now. I want to learn hibernate, spring , struts in a real project. Could anybody help me?


  • Open profile/logon.jsp


    window.location.href = "/central/profile/dashboard.action";


    location.href = "/central/profile/dashboard.action";