I have a simple Lua
function TestFunction(Id)
local Factory = TestParent();
local ChildDirect = TestChild("DirectCall");
local ChildFactory1 = Factory:CreateChild("Factory1");
local ChildFactory2 = Factory:CreateChild("Factory2");
result = Ret()
return result
that uses two C++ exposed objects (trough luabind)
void TestParent::RegisterToLua(lua_State* lua)
// Export our class with LuaBind
.def("CreateChild", &TestParent::CreateChild)
void TestChild::RegisterToLua(lua_State* lua)
// Export our class with LuaBind
.def("GetValue", &TestChild::GetValue)
I call the function
luabind::object obj = luabind::call_function< luabind::object >(LuaState, "TestFunction", IdParam);
if ( obj.is_valid() )
lua_gc(LuaState, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
During lua_gc
call only Factory
and ChildDirect
objects are destroyed. ChildFactory1
and ChildFactory2
remains allocated. The lua stack remains balanced (has same value - 5 - some tables ) after the luabind::call_function
What is the problem ? The objects created by Factory remain somehow referenced ? By who ?
CreateChild body is
TestChild* TestParent::CreateChild(std::string strname)
return new TestChild(strname);
The ownership of the new constructed object should be taken by lua
object and destroyed if ChildFactory1 or ChildFactory2 is nil
-ed or out of scope.
adopt: Used to transfer ownership across language boundaries.
def("create", &create, adopt(result))