As a first time MIPS user I seem to be confused. I have some classmate who have said that there XSPIM is big endian. However, in Linux it is little endian byte order. If MIPS can be little endian or big-endian. Is there a way to find out in XSPIM if it runs as little endian or big endian in your machine?
SPIM adopts the endian-ness of the machine on which it runs. (
Here's a little program to check the endian-ness of your machine:
word: .word 1
bigStr: .asciiz "Big Endian\n"
littleStr: .asciiz "Little Endian\n"
la $t0 word
lb $t1 0($t0)
beqz $t1 bigEndian
la $a0 littleStr
addi $v0 $zero 4
jr $ra
la $a0 bigStr
addi $v0 $zero 4
jr $ra