
Is it possible to define the length of the type to sort in STXXL at run time?

I have an application that requires a built-in sort and I'm hoping to replace the existing sort mechanism with the sort provided by STXXL. I have successfully tested it using STXXL, but my problem is that, although a specific run of the sort needs to operate on fixed length strings, the length is determined at run-time and can be anywhere between 10 bytes and 4000 bytes. Always allowing for 4000 bytes will obviously be grossly inefficient if the actual length is small.
For those not familiar with STXXL, I believe the problem roughly equates to defining a std::vector without knowing the size of the objects at compilation time. However, I'm not a C++ expert - the application is written in C.
In my test this is the type that I am sorting:

struct string80
    char x[80];

and this is the type definition for the STXXL sorter:

typedef stxxl::sorter<string80, sort_comparator80> stxxl_sorter80;  

The problem is that I don't want to hard-code the array size to '80'.
The only solution I can come up with, is to define a number of structures of varying lengths and pick the closest at run-time. Am I missing a trick? Am I thinking in C rather than C++?


  • There is no good solution here, at least not with STXXL.

    The STXXL sorter is highly optimized, and the code requires the data type's size to be provided at compile time via template parameters. I don't see that this will, or even should change.

    The method of instantiating classes for many different parameters is not nice, but pretty common practise. Just think of all the different std::vector instances used in simple C++ programs, which could all be handled via void* functions in C.

    Depending on how much code you want to roll out, try instanciating powers of two, and then more fine grain for your common parameters.