
How to identify URIs of active (long-running) HTTP requests?

Imagine a webapp which (sometimes) takes long time to respond to some HTTP (POST/GET/etc) request - how would You find such a request on server side?

So far I've used tomcat AccessLogValve to see the "completed" requests, but that doesn't let me to see the "in-progress" (stuck) ones :(

For example:

Maybe I'm just missing/overlooking one of vital/core/basic tomcat features? or maybe weblogic (or any other app-server) has something robust to offer for this?

I'm kind of lost without such simple and essential feature. Help? Please?


  • OK - creation of my own Valve was a proper and easy approach, sharing below. Apache did rework AccessLogValve multiple times, but all revisions follow same concept:

    1. invoke(...) method just uses getNext().invoke(request,response) to invoke a chain of remaining valves and the actual handler/executor
    2. log(...) method is invoked after above is complete

    So we only need to:

    Easiest way would've been:

    public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException {
        log(request, response, -1); // negative time indicates "before"
        super.invoke(request, response);

    But tomcat_6.0.16 code wasn't well-extendable, so I prefixed log-messages (in a hard-coded manner) with Thread.getName() and "before"/"after" indicator. Also I preferred to use reflection to access private AccessLogValve.getDate() :

    package org.apache.catalina.valves;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import org.apache.catalina.connector.Request;
    import org.apache.catalina.connector.Response;
    public class PreAccessLogValve extends AccessLogValve {
        public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException {
            long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
            log(request, response, -timeStart); // negative time indicates "before" request
            getNext().invoke(request, response);
            log(request, response, System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart); // actual (positive) - "after"
        public void log(Request request, Response response, long time) {
            if (started && getEnabled() && null != logElements && (null == condition || null == request.getRequest().getAttribute(condition))) {
                StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
                try {
                    Date date = (Date) methodGetDate.invoke(this); 
                    for (int i = 0; i < logElements.length; i++) {
                        logElements[i].addElement(result, date, request, response, time);
                } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); }
                log(Thread.currentThread().getName() + (time<0?" > ":" < ") + result.toString());
        private static final Method methodGetDate;
        static {
            Method m = null;
            try {
                m = AccessLogValve.class.getDeclaredMethod("getDate");
            } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); }
            methodGetDate = m;

    compiled above code with catalina.jar + servlet-api.jar and produced new catalina-my.jar, which was placed into tomcat/lib folder. After that - I've modified server.xml to have:

    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.PreAccessLogValve"
        directory="/tmp" prefix="test." suffix=".txt"
        pattern="%a %t %m %U %s %b %D" resolveHosts="false" buffered="false"/>

    Here's the sample output:

    http-8007-exec-1 > [18/Jan/2014:05:54:14 +0000] POST /admin/0$en_US/secure/enduser/ 200 - -1390024454470
    http-8007-exec-5 > [18/Jan/2014:05:54:17 +0000] GET /admin/0$en_US/secure/enduser/ 200 - -1390024457300
    http-8007-exec-5 < [18/Jan/2014:05:54:17 +0000] GET /admin/0$en_US/secure/enduser/ 200 13933 44
    http-8007-exec-3 > [18/Jan/2014:05:54:17 +0000] GET /admin/html/main.js 200 - -1390024457490
    http-8007-exec-3 < [18/Jan/2014:05:54:17 +0000] GET /admin/html/main.js 200 3750 0
    http-8007-exec-5 > [18/Jan/2014:05:54:17 +0000] GET /admin/images/layout/logo.gif 200 - -1390024457497
    http-8007-exec-5 < [18/Jan/2014:05:54:17 +0000] GET /admin/images/layout/logo.gif 200 1996 0
    http-8007-exec-1 < [18/Jan/2014:05:54:24 +0000] POST /admin/0$en_US/secure/enduser/ 200 13308 10209

    This way all "in-progress" URIs can be easily retrieved at any moment:

    [root@serv1 tomcat]# awk '{if(">"==$2){if($1 in S)print S[$1];S[$1]=$0}else delete S[$1]}END{for(i in S)print S[i]}' test
    http-8007-exec-4 > [18/Jan/2014:06:13:20 +0000] GET /admin/images/1x1blank.gif 200 - -13
    http-8007-exec-2 > [18/Jan/2014:06:13:16 +0000] POST /admin/servlet/handlersvr 200 - -13