Processing's ( basic library jars are not on clojars or maven. I have a project going with clojure and would like to upload the jars to clojars under my username. It was kind of tedious to get them into my .m2 folder one a time. I will be need to be able to access them via clojars so that others can help me with my project. How can I upload these dependencies?
lein deploy clojars
doesn't upload the dependencies - all the processing library jars.
My processing localrepo is also on github stored here:
Thanks for your help and links so far. This is as far as I have gotten:
I have had some success - minus the ability to sign jars and poms.
I gotta admit though its kind of a pain. Here is the process. There must be an automated way to do this right?
Go to your .m2/repository/group/library/version/
md5sum lib.jar > lib.jar.md5
sha1sum lib.jar > lib.jar.sha1
<tag>something relevant?</tag>
<url>somewhere relevant?</url>
md5sum lib.pom > lib.pom.md5
sha1sum lib.pom > lib.pom.sha1
scp lib*
Here they are in github (the md5 and sha1 files not included of course):
Here they are in clojars:
Before I go ahead and add all of these libs I have two concerns:
I have polluted my mistakes -->
Is it gonna be a waste or a deal breaker that my jars and poms aren't signed? I can't seem to figure out how to sign them. I have SSH and PGP setup on and scp runs just fine.