
Replace integer(0) by NA

I have a function that I apply to a column and puts results in another column and it sometimes gives me integer(0) as output. So my output column will be something like:


How can I detect these integer(0)'s and replace them by NA? Is there something like is.na() that will detect them ?

Edit: Ok I think I have a reproducible example:

df1 <-data.frame(c("267119002","257051033",NA,"267098003","267099020","267047006"))

df2 <-data.frame(c("257051033","267098003","267119002","267047006","267099020"))
df2$vals <-c(11,22,33,44,55)

fetcher <-function(x){
  y <- df2$vals[which(match(df2$ID,x)==TRUE)]

sapply(df1$ID,function(x) fetcher(x))

The output from this sapply is the source of the problem.

> str(sapply(df1$ID,function(x) fetcher(x)))
List of 6
$ : num 33
$ : num 11
$ : num(0) 
$ : num 22
$ : num 55
$ : num 44

I don't want this to be a list - I want a vector, and instead of num(0) I want NA (note in this toy data it gives num(0) - in my real data it gives (integer(0)).


  • Here's a way to (a) replace integer(0) with NA and (b) transform the list into a vector.

    # a regular data frame
    > dat <- data.frame(x = 1:4)
    # add a list including integer(0) as a column
    > dat$col <- list(45,
    +                 64,
    +                 integer(0),
    +                 78)
    > str(dat)
    'data.frame':   4 obs. of  2 variables:
     $ x  : int  1 2 3 4
     $ col:List of 4
      ..$ : num 45
      ..$ : num 64
      ..$ : int 
      ..$ : num 78
    # find zero-length values
    > idx <- !(sapply(dat$col, length))
    # replace these values with NA
    > dat$col[idx] <- NA
    # transform list to vector
    > dat$col <- unlist(dat$col)
    # now the data frame contains vector columns only
    > str(dat)
    'data.frame':   4 obs. of  2 variables:
     $ x  : int  1 2 3 4
     $ col: num  45 64 NA 78