I am using the Repository pattern in my current project. When I try and access the route I get this error
Class Repositories\UserRepository does not exist
My folder structure is like so
- Respositories
-- UserRepository
In my controller I am doing
use \Repositories\UserRepository;
class UsersController extends ApiController {
protected $user;
public function __construct(UserRepository $user)
$this->user = $user;
In the UserRepository
<?php namespace \Repositories
class UserRepository {
I am autoloading in composer
"psr-0": {
"Respositories": "app/"
Are my namespaces correct? I can not workout why it can't find the class.
1) Don't use prefixed back slashes when defining the namespace.
// No
<?php namespace \Repositories;
// Yes
<?php namespace Repositories;
2) Check your spelling. In your composer.json file, you have Respositories instead of Repositories.