
While generating all possible combinations itertools.combinations_with_replacement() vs itertools.product()?

While writing a program that finds all the different combos for a list, I found a lot of threads about using intertools.product() instead of intertools.combinations_with_replacement(), as I have been doing. No one explained why you should use intertools.product. I would love to know how this affects my program output.


  • From Python documentation

    itertools.product(*iterables[, repeat])

    Cartesian product of input iterables.

    Equivalent to nested for-loops in a generator expression. For example, product(A, B) returns the same as ((x,y) for x in A for y in B).

    In other words:

    for x, y in itertools.product(A, B):


    for x in A:
        for y in B:
