
How to test gcroot reference for NULL or nullptr?

In a C++/CLI project I have a method in a native C++ class where I would like to check a gcroot reference for NULL or nullptr. How do I do this? None of the following seems to work:

void Foo::doIt(gcroot<System::String^> aString)
    // This seems straightforward, but does not work
    if (aString == nullptr)
        // compiler error C2088: '==': illegal for struct

    // Worth a try, but does not work either
    if (aString == NULL)
        // compiler error C2678: binary '==' : no operator found
        // which takes a left-hand operand of type 'gcroot<T>'
        // (or there is no acceptable conversion)

    // Desperate, but same result as above
    if (aString == gcroot<System::String^>(nullptr))
        // compiler error C2678: binary '==' : no operator found
        // which takes a left-hand operand of type 'gcroot<T>'
        // (or there is no acceptable conversion)


The above is just a simplified example. I am actually working on a wrapper library that "translates" between managed and native code. The class I am working on is a native C++ class that wraps a managed object. In the constructor of the native C++ class I get a gcroot reference which I want to check for null.


  • Use a static_cast to convert the gcroot to the managed type, and then compare that to nullptr.

    My test program:

    int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
        gcroot<System::String^> aString;
        if (static_cast<String^>(aString) == nullptr)
            Debug::WriteLine("aString == nullptr");
        aString = "foo";
        if (static_cast<String^>(aString) != nullptr)
            Debug::WriteLine("aString != nullptr");
        return 0;


    aString == nullptr
    aString != nullptr