I'm intrigued in the database service Datomic, but I'm not sure if it fits the needs of the projects I work on. When is Datomic a good choice, and when should it be avoided?
With the proviso that I haven't used Datomic in production, thought I'd give you an answer.
I'm sure I'm missing some on each side, and though I have 3 listed under disadvantages, I think that the advantages outweigh them in more circumstances where disadvantages don't preclude its use. Price is probably the one that will prevent its being used in most small projects (that you expect to outlast the 1 year free trial).
Cf. this short post describing Datomic simply for some more information.
Expressivity (c.f. Datalog) and immutability are awesome. It's SO much fun to work with Dataomic in that regard, and you can tell it's powerful just by using it a bit.